Friday, June 22, 2007

How To Soothe Chicken Pox In The Gentials

a Jaeho fic * _ *

long time since I updated this and I just leave it lying
though my exams are about to fall over, I can not give you a little time to Jaeho
there's always time for my favorite couple * _ *
I have so many fics started and abandoned in the middle! inspiration always comes when I'm in the most difficult times of the university, arghhhh

but hey this is a fic I wrote a looooong time ago but reminded me that there was ^ ^ d U

after rummaging through several folders I found it! !

if I had to put a name ... it would be .... "Control"

I love lemons, nc-17, and if

Jaeho better XDDD So I guess it's a one shot, and unfortunately not use the same useless TT ljcuts usual practice for the

far DBSK fic yaoi lemon



The key slid into the lock making a small click and the door opened slowly.

A brown, covered with a cap and dark glasses came very slowly to the apartment with a bag in his hand.

began to move, went into all the rooms and looking for someone, I leave one without review and went to look at the "corner keys"

just hung a key

"Everyone came except ... She said, smiling mischievously as she watched the door of the room had not reviewed, was stealthily approaching, turn the handle, opened it very slowly and entered on tiptoe, what he saw left him tenderly.

A young brown sleeping peacefully in a large bed with sheets messy, beautiful, relaxed his face shook her fan which lay on the doorstep . He had the pole that revealed slightly raised portion of skin that need not be more excited, that smooth skin that seemed to call to caress, taste ...

was about to fall under the spell that caused him to see any part of the exposed body of her boyfriend, was already approaching, led by that heat which is always concentrated in the same place in these situations ...

When she realized the bag had dropped noisily in the quiet environment in which it was.

Very fast look up to make sure his partner was still mired in the deepest sleep.

Without wasting more time sack a long rope bag and approached the other boy.

With care and trying to move as little as possible, I lift the arm and wrist tied to the headboard.

The chestnut just squeezed his eyes, moved a little and continued sleeping

-Yunho ah ... Luckily, you're a sleeper - he whispered

repeated the operation with the other arm, taking all the time in the world, enjoying the small strokes, enjoying advance what would happen shortly.

Once the work stared at Yunho's face for a while, finally pulled some hair from his face, passed his hand over her warm cheek and put his lips to him.

felt like Yunho slowly began to move her lips to his, he ignored the feeling of wanting to continue kissing him and wanting to put his tongue inside the mouth of another and broke the kiss.

Yunho opened eyes and realized that the situation was

-Boo? What ...? He said trying to move the arms

The mentioned again bring his lips to face Yunho gave him a quick kiss on the tip of her nose and walked away smiling innocently.

Yunho tried to turn and continued loosened from the rope trying unsuccessfully

-Jae ... we are playing? - frowned

Without a word the beautiful brown stood before bed, fixed her eyes on Yunho and began to take off the pole slowly

other boy's eyes began to acquire a very special shine carefully watching the movements of his fellow

Once completed threw the pole aside and began to walk around the torso with both hands, enjoying the caresses, he stopped at his navel where the earring pulled gently. He wrinkled his forehead with a little expression that could not help but let out.

Yunho's mouth opened a little, very surprised at what he saw

Jae his hands up to his nipples, he began to tighten with a visible force pulling the earring and the other, very slow. She bit her lip to stifle any sound, was closing his eyes trying to focus on the pleasant sensations and Yunho's face.

The urge to jump on her boyfriend ... and make him do this ... God were making their appearance ... and that he was just starting ... but no ... had to endure, was part of the plan today ...

sprouted a little blood from her lips, now red, when opened for the sexiest moan that Yunho had heard in his life emerged.

That was what I was doing Jae? This ... what was causing ... pulled on the ropes, but they were very well tied, helplessly pulled back while still looking

Jae Joong opened his eyes and saw Yunho pull very hard, to free

felt the presence of blood and lasciviously , stuck her tongue out and began licking his lips over

-Yunho ... Ahhh .... - groaned again

The familiar tingle between her legs was becoming chestnut this

-Boo ... just untie me and come here ... I enjoy it more if I'm the one that you get ... please ...

Jae smiled, the plan was working perfectly

lowered his hands, this time until jeans, without taking his eyes from the dark eyes of U-know, the only button unbuttoned and began closing down so slow that the boy lying in bed he was dying.

closed his eyes. He put his hand inside the pants and began to move

-Boo ... please ... I beg you Yunho pleaded

The older boy groaned much stronger, I did not know how much more I could stand, I wanted to see Yunho rogante expression but not know whether it could contain more.

reopened The

Her boyfriend was trying to cross the legs and was pulling the rope with super-human strength, shaking all over, tiny droplets of sweat adorned his forehead.

Jae blushed, several thoughts crossed his mind.

This was the first time to something like that in front of Yunho.

felt a little sorry for the other boy to see a small red marks on his wrists from the effort of wanting to remove the rope.

have Yunho NEEDED NOW.

thoughts away I try again, had to endure, his self could not be so miserable ...

The leader of Dong Bang Shin Ki pursed his lips, apparently also was repressed. And he opened his legs. Jae Joong was a lump under her boyfriend's sweat pants.

His hands rested on the sides of her hips and began taking down the jeans.

Yunho's eyes widened and his eyes went from face to between the legs of his Boo.

tugged the rope again, this time with this anger in his face, shouted frustrated to see the jeans down over the pole, covering it

closed his eyes very annoying

-No ... Look ... Ahhhh

When you hear the wail her eyes widened with free will.

With one hand, Jae was stirring the hair just as he did when they made love Yunho. He was with his mouth open and his lips trembled, his other hand was touching the very visible presence between her legs, squeezing it from time to time. The beautiful boy I closed eyes to try to assimilate the feelings that caused him in his body, his magical hands and the face of U-Know.

A light coat of gloss over everything while delicious tears out of his mouth.

Finally his hands grabbed the last piece left in his body, but before removing his dark eyes set deep in his partner.

His eyes Yunho asked him to please take it once, I cried in desperation.

Yunho moved frantically, regardless of the burning feeling in the wrists. The desire was much stronger than the insignificant pain

Jae's eyes clouded with desire as bewitched, they called

until finally, just on the floor along with other clothes.

Jae approached the bed where Yunho was a prisoner, sat at the foot of this, front and both very close to Brown that moved like an animal rabid, opened her legs and slipped a hand.

Joong-Jae ... When ... when I release ...

But he could not continue, the words died on his mouth when he saw Jae started moving her hand frantically, with your hips. He was back with his eyes closed and mouth trembling, panting began to flood the environment.

Yunho noticed he was trying to stifle a scream. Jae looked so excited that surely all would end anytime

But his hand did not stop, ever moved faster.

Yunho and not tried to move, was very closely watching the expression on the face of Jae, beads of sweat slid, his cheeks were flushed and her lips. .. were more red than ever, opening and closing the mouth, apparently meant something. Jae Joong's face in the middle of an orgasm was the most beautiful it was for your eyes, so even if they hurt their arms, but he blazed other areas of his body could not lose face Jae

He looked down, was very close, the hand of his Boo was already wet, soon he would fill completely liquid.

He Jae's face, waiting for the right time

When he thought that it was about to see their favorite facial expression ...

eyelids rose and brown eyes dilated looked at the ceiling.

froze Yunho, Jae's hand left his place and was now scratching too hard one of his thighs. His knuckles were white

A plaintive cry came out of his mouth.

I had done? He had stopped a second before the end?

But why? It was more cruel and masochistic act that a human person could make in your life. It was too close to pleasure ... and left? So out of nowhere? As might be possible?

A single tear rolled down one of the red cheeks, was breathing rapidly and with much effort.

the bed fell on his knees, leaning on his arms and head down, panting.

Yunho felt some compassion for him, but he was bound and the only fault that he felt so helpless at this time was the little brown, so I had done ... had no name

was a few seconds that seemed like hours for the two U-Know when Jae felt to move

went very slowly rising up to kneel again, raised his head and turned to fix his eyes on Yunho's back.

The chestnut was more confused, and now that would Jae?

In response to his thought, the more stuck two fingers inside her mouth and started to suck, pulled them out and put them, wiping the smooth tongue like a kitten cute at times and others with an uncontrollable lust.

Yunho seemed to feel like a part of his body stiffened.

Jae sack her wet fingers from her mouth and barely touching his chin, went down, the neck is white with a slight trace of saliva, continued to decline while giving a bit back and was on its side to Yunho.

His fingers paused in their small back entrance. The putting was taking her time, her face contorted with pain and pleasure they felt at once.

Turning his head to Yunho could see better

His free hand went straight to his mouth, where it began to bite in despair to drown screams that were struggling to get out.

Yunho felt that it would hold no more, was going to explode right there, without ever having experienced any touch on any part of your body.

unconsciously started moving his hips from a very subtle way

Was this a stunt or something sad?

Jae saw as he moved his fingers inside yourself and despite the hand over her mouth, small cry escaped

-Yunho ... and ... no .... More ... stand

U-know said nothing was too intent on the long, elegant fingers that came and went at a pace slow agony

Jae was like would not be the complete delight, I wanted to delay it as much as I could, but why? That was something that neither Yunho did to her boyfriend when he had more desire to annoy him, because that was very cruel and

-Yun ... Yunho ... - said getting a third finger - Ahh .. I do not ...

free hand suddenly ended up forward once again, apparently wanted to finish the job he had left unfinished ago moment

While he was picking up speed later, he lost what little speed he had in his hand back

Since when Jae was so masochistic?

Although I had to admit, it was the sexiest thing Yunho had seen in his short life.

Jae Joong's image by trying to be satisfied by the two most sensitive sites of his body, his increasingly strong cries of defeat when he realized he was failing both at the same time, drops sweat leaping from the bed, her hair wet, your skin, your skin ... delicious

fell back upon the bed, propped on his knees and head between the disordered sheets. Without making any sound crawling Yunho approached

-Yunho ah ...

I lifted the pole and began to kiss and bite around his chest, he was hungry Yunho, and had been too long without it, only thought of eating it.

The chestnut began to moan uncontrollably.

In step Jae left many marks on Yunho's chest, trying to get the pole, but realized that the rope could not

-Boo ... ahh ... now if ... Let go ...

Jae dead stop and looked at Yunho who pleaded once again with an eye

"Please ...

Instead of releasing it, very strong shot Yunho pole, followed by pulling to break

Yunho cursed mentally Jae

Jae approached the mouth kissing Yunho

"I really ... when ... release me ... - he said to kisses to shut Jae metio her tongue into the mouth of her boyfriend.

Under far from his lips began traveling pants skin in his path with his warm tongue

In less than a second Yunho was already too naked and at the mercy of the dark, without losing time, accommodation on Yunho's hips with her legs spread aided by his hands.

Both moaned while

Yunho felt the warmth and tightness of her around him and drunk Boo

had wanted this moment since I woke

Jae stayed still for a few seconds to get used to the intrusion of Yunho. Support your hands on your shoulders to move his hips better

The had missed this place

Jae began to move slowly up and down

The fury of being so helpless and the feeling of having no control in this kind of moment, aroused the most primitive desires in the shortest of the boys. While I was enjoying the game of Jae Joong, the swart had to learn that without notice after not playing well just with Yunho

drawing strength from all that, but Yunho did not know how annoying rope broke the

Jae was so immersed in the sea of pleasurable sensations that did not realize that Yunho had regained control of the situation until it felt like the brown came violently from his body.

In Jae less than I can process the event in his brain, Yunho had already thrown against the bed and had turned, leaving it upside down.

put a hand on her neck and pinned him, then approached his lips to his ear

"You have behaved very badly Boo ... Now I'll have to punish you ... - he said biting his ear lobe - this .. is not ...

A shiver ran back to Jae, gulped a little scared, tone of voice I use Yunho was not for less ...

I felt smile on his neck and suddenly reinvaded Yunho but this time in a very quick and painful

The dark cry, the well known mixture of pain and pleasure, although this time the pain was more ...

Yunho began to ram no matter what, just wanted to have the pleasure she had been denied just before

Acerco his mouth to the back and started Jae to bite him savagely, leaving small wounds on the skin nivea.

the hips were grabbed her boyfriend rammed hard and harder and faster than before, this time hitting the magic point of pleasure in her boyfriend.

Jae reached its rhythm and began to move at the same time.

be grabbed with the little strength he had left on the sheets, if there would have been the broken, crushed with everything I had.

Seeing this Yunho put his hand on Jae and interlace your fingers.

Perhaps Kim Jae Joong was being forgiven?

Feeling that Yunho was already almost next to achieve the maximum pleasure, Jae attempt to do so he will also help, without success because of the onslaught of U- know

Yunho's body trembled uncontrollably and scream to feel Jae was filled to maximum capacity and more

Goofy and desperately Jae Joong try again, but what could you go crazy.

Yunho Jae remove the hand of kindness and with only two more movements, her hand was full of white, viscous liquid that he loved to see when ended up making love

Jae fell exhausted and unable to utter any words, this time it had been much longer than usual.

Miro tenderly Yunho who was still watching it over the indefinite expression a

took one of the strong arms of the brown and started to kiss the wounds he had caused the rope to struggle with it

-These annoying? - Asked candidly, he had realized, the expression was a mixture of love and hate at the same time

Yunho turned and began to move

"Wait! Noo!

Yunho turned to look

"Do not move ... please ... - he said avoiding his gaze and blushed a lot - I love when you run into me when we're done ...

Although was annoying, Yunho could not help but smile at such a statement, approached his lips to her forehead and Jae wet kiss with much love

"I love you Boo

Jae beamed

"But not believe ... that the conduct of today go unnoticed for the future - Yunho continued to face serious dark-it was nothing today ...

Jae's smile froze

fade is felt to see Yunho returned to his usual warm smile and playfully ruffled his hair

"Absolutely nothing - whisper