Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fake Cherry Blossom Tree Rental

Sanseacabó! What

There end of series that seems to go directly to the viewer Fuck ( Twin Peaks), other nihilistic and depressing ( -X-Files), there are precipitates run what-it-s finishes ( Star Trek Voyager), some betray the essence of the series (Ally McBeal or Star Trek Enterprise), and there finally be nothing without the other world least are respectful of what has preceded so far and put an end to the story with high grade ( Millennium, Star Trek DS9 and Star Trek The Next Generation).

If the writers of Lost be careful about something over the years has been to leave us intrigued and amazed with the end of the season, but with the exception of the second degree (the Antarctic station Penny they never spoke again ...); are especially intense the end of the first and fifth seasons, not aixafaré here in case we have time to do some / new / he lostie ...

Another constant in the world series has been to make the narrative describing a full circle, a circle sheet, by imitating or evoking as much as possible starting point. In Ally McBeal, for example, felt that the song played at the bar while the characters goodbye on the street was the first song I heard just started, in that sequence that explains the idyll of Ally and Billy, you remember? It was Neighborhood, by the way ...

And so the narrative of Lost also describes a dramatic shift to return, somehow, to the point, not only philosophically but also tale, addressing a major concern of supporters present almost from the outset. Along the way, we reinterpret some of the most shocking or emotional hitherto experienced by the characters and for us as spectators. Remember, the end of the first season, the image of Jack and Locke removing the hatch and head for trying to figure out what was there below? Did you feel the same feeling when Jack found his father's coffin empty? Remember the words of John Locke's surprise when he realized he could barely walk the plane crashing? At the end of the tunnel, Juliet had told Sawyer can take a coffee, or we can play ... So no sense now it has ...

the way we lost a lot, lot, just to see how many of those who crashed Oceanic 815 are able to leave the island (surprise!). Some (most) have died, others have preferred to stay back ... But

over. When the dog went Vincent trees for a start licking the fallen hero trying to wake him, that with the right score by Michael Giacchino [*], was the end. The eyes opened, now close, a plane went down, another takes off ...

Latest images without music, we showed the remains of Oceanic 815 fussellatge the beach ...

PS special prize to writers for the treatment of the character of Ben, had begun as worst among the bad, evil, manipulative and insensitive, but we do our quotations with the death of Alex ... At the end of everything, do not have to good, but their sins are forgiven you, and if it is therefore important for us also ...

[*] We want as soundtracks for the fifth and sixth seasons! The themes of Jacob, Richard Alpert, the score which opened and closed this last episode ...

Monday, May 24, 2010

How Long To Knock In A Cricket Bat

suffer! A final theory

Start downloading! I hope that in four / five hours, when I need, be ready ... It is not I download the episodes (this The Final Journey is a summary of an hour and a half of the entire series) to duplicate, or yes ... When shopping on iTunes in high definition, a dollar more than standard definition, you also download the second version for use on iPod or iPhone, or iPad already made ...

Lo ideal here would have a TV with HDMI input which can connect an AppleTV, a kind of disk media that can sync with iTunes to see it on the big screen. Anyway, the computer is not small (22 ") so that it disfrutaré enough. Once LOST, but I wonder if the iTunes content will go downhill. The price is right, maybe Now that the euro is falling sting a little pocket, and it is very convenient to have the files immediately, without cuts to ads and the best quality, but has a problem from my point of view a little serious ... you can not share! And me, I'm in "let" stuff (another thing to me again, as the DVDs of the 1st season, I paid for 3 / 4 months time and still is), or turn them to the library once saw anyone who may be interested, because I regret not having this option ....

Thus, once it touches detoxify the castaways of Oceanic 815, to see where to throw. If I opt for physical media, I have to finish pending Doctor Alaska (I am missing two seasons) and emergency department triage (I've only seen the first two) plus the 6th House of when leaves and other things I have pending, for example the last trip to Madrid I bought the box of golden Twin Peaks. I change if I opted for digital, there are very interesting things ... I start first with Glee or V? I want to see Doctor Who from the stage by Christopher Eccleston, and this is very difficult to be published on DVD. I also see Battlestar Galactica, this I know you can find whole DVD, but you can trust the dubbing? And what Fringe? On the one hand who is attracted coming from, but the other seems too gore for my taste, and the approach also reminds me too -X-Files, even with "mythologies" completely different obviously ....

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What To Write In A Hen Party Card


Inevitably, things will to explain the end of Lost, though, according to El Periodico ( http://www.elperiodico.cat/default.asp?idpublicacio_PK=46&idioma=CAT&idnoticia_PK=716029&idseccio_PK=1013 ) the DVD version of the last chapter contains 20 minutes to "explain" mysteries ... I, however, have not performed well by producing the note, I square this time is added in the form of statements by producers (Team Darlton, Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof) or similar rather than an addition to the plot ...

Among these (and also address http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,, 20313460_20387337_2, 00.html , although the interpretation that give different) there is the problem of Walt, children and infertility in the island. Walt was about whether or not they spoke very special series of the first two seasons, and the fertility problem that brought Juliet to the island, the third and fourth, but then never go learned. Unsolved mysteries? Or rather that we have to do our own reading? As the first option would be frustrating for the second vote! Maybe Walt

authorities had "special" or maybe not, if Hurley and Miles are good enough they could also be the case, but if it was true, how come he was released so blithely? And why others tried to kidnap Claire? Only by doing experiments and also to stay with the baby that was born? And why put a special interest in children who were abducted in the tail of the aircraft? Then we saw a couple of times with Cindy the stewardess, but have not had much weight in the plot although it seemed at the time of the most mysterious, I remember how it looked desperate when Ana Lucia died or disappeared members of his group, the tail of the plane, one by one?

Maybe it all goes well with the other problem, of infertility. Why there could be no births on the island? Maybe we ask ... since when? Because Ethan's mother well enough that he had no problem with it, there you have stopped to think? Doc Jensen at EW column. As I linked earlier, attributed to Jacob's dissatisfaction with others, possibly having been deceived and have accepted Smokey as a leader in the shadow thinking it was Jacob (I still square, Richard did not know?), but I will find another more prosaic explanation, which is not original, I admit, because I saw a link in the network ... Jughead! That is, the nuclear bomb that Juliet did snap at the end of the fifth season. It did not "explode", but may leave some kind of radioactive traces to explain malformations and abortions? Recall also that Ben had cancer, he was operated on Jack ... Or maybe some combination of radiation pump with electromagnetic radiation present in the Island? Maybe instead of bringing Juliet to experiment then you'll have had enough to start a Geiger counter ...

This matches the other problem with the children. Why so much interest in them and kidnap them away from their parents? Very simple! If the Others can not have children because the mothers fail to complete the pregnancy (and die!), How long before they would die out completely? And as you can avoided? Abducting more children as "little" better to inculcate them from the beginning, his philosophy of living and their ways of doing things, as Ethan had to do with when they were loaded with the Dharma Initiative or Purge without going any further, Ben had done the same since Richard had found in the woods when he fled from his father .... Starting

the same references, the EW columnist. As you referred earlier, Doc Jensen (I'll miss reading your "recap" and opinion columns each week Totally Lost), and server of you have come to different conclusions. And for me, far from being a hindrance, is an argument for Lost: indent holes that are there and I do not think they are premeditated, allow "no project" ideas from each to find them verisimilitude. I do not know where I read these days, with the influence of the Internet, LOST has opened a new way of "telling" in television fiction. We'll see if the example is or is not in anything: TWIN PEAKS there has been only one (of that Wild Palms was a cheap copy) and have already spent twenty years (!!!), but would have been -X-Files (remember that David Duchovny had a juicy supporting role in the series of Lynch) MILLENNIUM or without this precedent?

We'll see how LOST has continued, with failure experienced FlashForward probably will glee rather than copies of the castaways of Oceanic 815. For now, at least, we congratulate ourselves for the experience ....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Build The Third Hut In Virtual Villagers

Previously, on LOST ...

Ladies and gentlemen, this ends! Hence, the curtain will fall on two weeks, I will not say who the best but one of the most addictive TV series in recent years and perhaps of all time?! Few phenomena like LOST, Lost or if you prefer, there has been in the history of the genre. But let me share with you some bizarre theory before the end ...

At the time I made a compilation of what I looked like the best moments of first and second seasons (I fear that half the links do not work, see if m'entretinc to renew them) beyond all sounds like we already seen and is difficult to highlight specific moments, with some exceptions (see the video ).

all started, I recall, when Flight 815 Oceanic Airlines Company, which had left Sydney and headed for Los Angeles crashed on a seemingly deserted island in the middle of the ocean. After the first few days of confusion, and hoping that one time or another the rescue, the survivors settled on the beach first and then in some caves with water, making their way to survive in an environment not entirely hostile, with few predators other than a mysterious monster and polar bears who are leaving to go know where, but the most unusual for urbanites who were almost all of them.

far seems the easiest, right? A shipwrecked on a deserted island and eager to get out, nothing that we have not heard a thousand times before. No, because soon the thing was complicated: mysterious apparitions of the dead, the hatch, the Others, the seasons, the Dharma Initiative, the disease that causes pregnant women go on to better life Not Penny's boat [*], the charging, the Oceanic Six, Jughead, Ajira Airways, I do not know what a smoke-black (sure someone who smokes cigars Havana huge as the King) ... A mess! Total, which has left over at least a couple of seasons and has lacked good planning principle that would have spared no plot holes, but authentic tunnels AVE. A couple of examples that are mysterious to happen but if no explanation is rather because they have no sense and compensate for, an example to the contrary.

Just started the second season the castaways discover a Dharma Initiative station pantry well stocked with food and drinks, all with the logo that identifies the polidet Dharma. Whence came all this? Easy, a helicopter or plane that knows how to avoid the inconveniences that the Island offers to anyone who wants to get rid of and which is engaged in edible packages on unsuspecting castaways. That in itself is amazing enough, but even more so since we discovered a year later, the other led by Ben were not the Dharma Initiative as we thought, but the original inhabitants of Island that killed all the Dharma and were done with their homes and stations. Already, of course, no problem, and as in fifteen years nobody has been noticed on the other side of the ocean there are still sending supplies like nothing, right?!

Related to this, and as a second example concerns me greatly triangle Jacob / Richard / Ben since we learned that it is actually non-existent and Smokey was placed in the middle. Or not? During the third season lead us to believe (they make us believe sounds a bit rude) that Ben, as leader of the Others, acting under the orders of a mysterious Jacob, and Richard is a kind of adviser Ben while intermediary between Ben and Jacob. The logical corollary that we assuming, among others, is that Jacob ordered murder members of the Dharma Initiative. But after the visit of Locke in the hut, we realize that Ben actually acts on his own and that should be Purge rather a personal revenge. But then, what Richard comb through the middle then if we know that is indeed the right hand of Jacob? We knew it was not Jacob who was in the hut? It seems that he should know, but then why do you still play Ben? If we think of Richard and Jacob as good, as it allowed the mass murder of innocents with Purge Dharma Initiative, including and all children?

I had better not ask how we got close to Smokey the cabin, if there really was trapped considering s'apareixia as Christian (or not?) Everywhere, or what what came of this if empty dirty water tank that is under our house to get the black smoke do what we want, etc. ... Neither head nor feet!

No, not that Cuel . But where to go at the beginning of the third season, when the Others captured Jack, Sawyer and Kate, are punished by forced labor to build an airstrip near the sea. Why? Because the land is allergic lienígenes , the answer Juliet (who would say that ...). And it goes back to talk more until two and a half seasons later, a plane Ajira Airways goes no one knows exactly how the island (I do not think that also n 'There has to laugh, now, the brilliant phrase Lapidus ... We are not going to Guam, are we? ) and voila! , what is? A runway!

Now, I'm sure when this issue was raised in the third year must have thought the writers did not even step into Ajira Airways but towards the end of history, would need an aircraft that enter (and exit! ) Island ... But back to this point later.

From everything we have said now, recap and stayed with us the essence of the argument. What is or should be? I repeat: they want to escape some shipwrecked on an island (or so) deserted. What would therefore be correct and emotionally satisfying end? See them escape and return to their normal lives, we have known through flashbacks .

will see that what? You might think that since the general consensus the network seems to be what will be a variation of the scene with Jacob and Smokey the end of the fifth season only with different actors: Jack and Locke? Jack and Widmore? Locke and Hugo? There are several possibilities, the taste of the beholder ... Dramatically

would make sense as a climax of the confrontation between sides (I refuse to say "good and evil" until it is completely clear) what we have witnessed a continuous, all against all, since the Others on the scene. But it would be emotionally satisfying? Do not forget that the dichotomy Jacob / Smokey was not introduced until well advanced the game, when he was almost nearing completion, so at least for me, it would not.

But mind, there is hope! Because the plane is still Ajira Airways the island and ready to speak up for the flight. Because we have not seen the body of Lapidus. Because Locke has alternative pilot license. Because I do not know how or care (which means What They Died For?, Next week we'll see ...) but I want to be the Jin and Sun and not really about who glue meet with Ji Yeon. And because I have not completely lost faith and I think the writers to have been very wrong along the way, do not lose sight of the essence of the story when you finish. Another end like Twin Peaks not if-you-please!

no mistake, still stuck LOST in . While there are critical aspects of the plot and characters that I grind, especially the triangle Jack / Kate / Sawyer (if the opposite poles attract, the two could forget the extremes of the middle and go to work! !), the intrigue of what will happen has me hooked, the structure of the argument (with flashbacks, flash-forwards and flash-sideways ) is complex but addictive and superb music by Michael Giacchino thrills me. And there is always something that keeps you in suspense scene, a character who surprised you did not expect to see, cliff-hangers (scenes from the end of chapter) sensational ... At the end of my first season and the start of the second, which took me completely by surprise, I find living history of television, and the end of the fifth, with Juliet liant blows to rock the pump atom to make it explode, leaving me with a lump in the throat .... [**]

fortnight and we're all told, see if fortunately or unfortunately. Now, despite having it all on DVD, will I re-watch because I'm afraid, knowing how everything should be developed, to have more moments does not hold anywhere! than of oysters!, That it had very ado! not you think? And if some people still do not know what the thing was (is anyone?, you can catch up to PlayCuatro ), there was a recap or summary of what has been until now the argument ...

[*] Yes, one of the most exciting scenes of the series, with Charlie drowning in the station's Mirror to save them all, but, as with Penny redimonis connnecta ? How is its frequency if it seems that even "hoped" the call, as if by chance there happened to? Perhaps the Others are monitoring the communications of the Widmore family? Then they say, no? If it does not seem a coincidence sensational and entirely unjustifiable ....
[**] "The screen goes white instead of black. Cool": P

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How Much Men Die From Cancer Each Year

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