Saturday, July 3, 2010

How To Get Rid To Broken Capillaries


"And one day, unexpectedly and without warning, and sooner than anyone expected because we were not late enough time to do anything, the world was shrouded in thick clouds lifted just long time So letting the rays of the sun, a light cloudy and opaque. Sometimes, those clouds engendered storms, hurricanes and worse not seen until then and did not know what to call but it destroyed everything in its path until the end of the moisture evaporates it permeated everything.
The weakest died early in that stifling atmosphere, the strongest and could stand the heat, but the world crumbling around him and those who resisted did so with the intimate conviction that there was nothing to do. Now yes, the cars stopped running, no planes were taking off and the chimneys of factories were inactive for the first time since many years ago, had been built as a test of our power and our ability ; all this had no effect whatsoever, and the passing of days, the months and years without experiencing any improvement made it clear that this was not temporary but permanent.
were increasingly less and terrible things, cruel and inhumane where we spent carried away by despair, which was almost everywhere. The end was near and there was no hope worthy of the name.
But the world is very large, people We continued to be both capable of much better as they were the worst, and in a corner of our hearts, there was still room to wonder ... "


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