Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ayurveda And Christianity

to face a difficult project ... Eli Stone

Why is not the case now, what I remember is that I have a few months (few) to process ... in this context to distinguish the books will go to the new library that ... about two thirds of bibliographic our center. It is a job that I have pending for years, yes, but it considered linked to move to the new center, which for long, when in fact I need more to join us network all effects ...

I started working on the issue in 2004, and until now had only managed to process a third of the funds, among other reasons for disinterest that I caused the distance in time the new library, because it is an arduous task and that leaves me bookshelves made a Christian, and, truth be told, because from high instances (not Great House, mind) no one was interested in the subject and I felt ... Now I can not find the word ... ¿Encouraged? finish the project on time ... Now I've come up with since I reiterated the need to have it ready, and although there is no definite timetable had been discussed at the June deadline, hours of I am now passing the halfway point of this work and I am brave to have it finished by the end of February or during the March ...

But then what? For once this milestone I will met with two problems: firstly I will have the library disordered systems with two different qualifiers (for the old Jordi Rubio and new to the UDC ), with the headache that means, and secondly I have to make room for new books with urgency because this year the intention is to bring the batch to the current library foundation that was scheduled for the new library with the goal (?) not damaging ... More than ten thousand books at once! O stages, we'll see, but in any case a few months ... All

this had me a little, or force, distressed ... As I drift from old books to make room for new? Where do you get time to get it to catalog everything? In addition, adapting modus operandi of the new work system, Millennium , replacing (if all goes well) with the program still work, Pergamon, designed for school libraries but in the time as ten years old, I chose to computerize a library which until then was working with files and typewriter ....

Yesterday morning, however, I got an illumination while I was preparing to leave home I thought an approach to tackle it all away, I suppose there must have been influenced by the fact of seeing clearly when he had finished the first part of the job, the fact is that I was so excited that (I swear) almost I wanted to vomit .... Bleeeeeegghhhh

* * Well, what shall I do? First, I chose a section of the library where you concentrate all funds listed under the new system, which will also be the users who are interested can find online catalog via the network and what may come and go in loan.

Secondly, since the rest of my background I have to undo a more or less short, I ask three options. On one hand, started an advertising campaign with the slogan We've gone mad! We sell the library! or similar, so who wants to be away from antique books to 1 EUR each, an almost symbolic price but we will bring together some money that will not go wrong unless you are just giving a good work. .. On the other hand, packs the books that may be useful to consider in the future and store them in the castle it is not taking anything while sending lists of these books in the Central Plan if they want to get some, especially those not listed in its catalog that there are some few. And finally, the books have not had either of these ways ... recycling or give them, if you take my very desperate. Just for Marathon this year I had come to organize a similar activity from the library but since I did not arrive in time, so I had left a note to myself in order to next year ...

And finally, thirdly, I will do me the idea that the new system, I can only give books that have passed this choice and / or available to be joined in the last three years since I'm working with VTLS inventory purposes only. This means, of indirectly, that those who want to take a book from the rest of the fund must elect to pay the euro said that a couple of paragraphs above and keep it or leave this euro deposit and will return again when the book, without registering the loan or anything, as if to control them should be working with two programs at once.

Apart from this, I'll have to see how well m'organitzo to me by the volume of work with books (and videos?!) New that comes on, but until we know exactly how concrete this point, what is the timetable, what we are talking about volume, etc., there'll much trouble. First a thing and then another, and everything ... I will not say slowly if someone m'enfada ... but good letter, and that is my main default with the job (I say!, who knows ...) is that the server wants to do things so well done that maybe it would spend more time strictly necessary ...


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