Friday, January 14, 2011

Cover Letter For A Car Company

you ask - we answer

me there someone asked what it is I write down all this time? Yes, I do not remember a fig, had to refresh.
From notebook illegible.

"G. Potter comes out of the closet, a scar on his forehead from being hit on the doorpost. "

"Logarithmic operators"

"I was handed an artichoke,
I have culture shock."

"ideal woman. Silicone balloon in a vacuum. "

"Praise hat chance acquaintance and immediately get her a gift, that same evening saved by her from the rain. "

And finally:
"Buy the food: wine, beer and firewood."

way, AI! Cake "integral" - he also has to be flaky test! ( [info] gorba prompted, of course, she had not guessed). This will go into the collection mat.desertov, right recipe for the pie, "binomial" (Half-filling - cherry, half - apple).


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