Monday, February 21, 2011

Ram 2500 1998 Voltage Regulator

vitizkaja @ 2011-02-21T13: 47:00

English-speaking friend told me about the fact that in Russia gay men called blue. Thought. What happens: in English they are - gay, that is funny, and we have blue - that is sad?

Can we, on this basis to draw conclusions about the features of the socialization of sexual minorities in these two countries?


And more about the features of socialization.

-See, it turns out that in the "Spider" and "Likes, dislikes the" good people get crazy, treated until it becomes a seemingly normal, free from restraint, and then wonder how it all happened so? So maybe just worth asking why we generally socialize loonies?
-Vititskaya, I understand that now you asked me , about why socialize loonies?

was wrong flared.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Banana Nut Bread Clip Art

Learn design

ordered a new design Learn from thailana on Thailand. She has sent me pictures for selection. Kamala beach on Phuket is approximately the same.

How Much Noise Does A Dishwasher Make

wonderful morning

rise in 6 30 am. I admire the photo from the islands of Phi Phi. posting pictures of cats Thai parents. I live in Phuket at kouchserferov with Peter, they take a lovely house. going to the beach. swim in the pure morning sea watch as crabs dig burrows, with the surf, yachts ...
go for coffee and donuts. A donut just 5 Baht. well I'm already leaving today to Phuket :)
buy half kg of shrimp, boil them with lemongrass and just eat them like sunflower seeds, even without the sauce and lemon juice ...

but how you spend Saturday morning?

How Painful Is A Brazilian?

Current mood


Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Long Do I Have Egg White Cm

Tricky little bastard

I saw it here , and instantly rang in my ears the cry of women of all ages: "He did not pomogaaaaet hozyaaaaystvu me!"

And here Doggie out what the learner. Certainly not picky to eat. Nature resilient. And, most terrible, already knows how to undo the women of lightning and do of massage.
Seems to me it's female-version of the joke about the "quickly learned to cook fried eggs and a raccoon get lost!"

Super Sniper Vs Elite 3200

about bread

-.... but it's better - I ask today - send mail pass by hand or digitized?
-personally digitized by mail - immediately he says - and may be without bread.

course. After all, bread is automatically digitized goes into the category of shows.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nora Ross Shampoo Hair Loss

Yann Tiersen - Dust Lane Tour

Sacrificed sleep in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, to hear M. Yan Tiersen live. For the first time.

I thought that I will hear something like Amelie, or even Les Retrouvailles, and had no idea what Dust Lane - it is something quite different.
started Tiersen two light compositions under which the hall smiled and opened .... And when it is fully opened, Tiersen and his band (spectacularly talented, by the way) have brought down upon him such a wall of music that I thought we live out do not go away. I have not seen (heard?) Stories of human tragedy, written so truthfully and in detail. Now I understand how he took such a light Amelie from Montmartre - here it is, the flip side of the music.
This I later read that the album is something about death, and Thiers died during the recording of a mother and a close friend. And yet, there is no reading everything was clear.

He also played in a completely dark room that's it. And I have no words to describe it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sinusitis And Sleeplessness

Satva yoga studio in Chiang Mai

close from the place where I live, I found a wonderful yoga studio + veg cafe. before class in the morning you can drink tea with ginger and Lemon Grass.
studio is equipped with all necessary Iyengar style. today was focused on backbends.

here with that thing can be fun to warm up

and then ran to the children and made something:)

How To Hack Someone's Computer And Ruin It

from Thailand.

Park in Chiang Mai. yesterday.

temple in Chiang Mai

the best Tom Yam I made myself:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Masterbate In Marriage

holiday. report.

Sunday I was at a Thai farm cooking class. We brought market, described how to choose the rice and spices. then at the farm showed us how to grow bananas, lemongrass, papaya and so on. then we prepared 5 dishes. most delicious Tom Yam with shrimp I cooked myself.

Sunday a mandatory item in Chiang Mai - a walk in the Sunday market. there is going to the city.
today do the cleaning and polishing teeth. and is necessarily - Thai massage.
always go to different places, do things their own way.
still have not tried Herbal Massage (With herbs in bags).
But bring a lot of Thai natural oils, creams and so on. found a great Thai brand of Chiang Mai. has found yoga center and it Weg cafe. I'll go tomorrow morning.

Happy Valentine's. Schoolgirls here come with soft toys. Women at Motobike with a bouquet of flowers.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Maybelline Sun Glow Tan?

A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick ...

Tell me, somebody already thought of cooking lager "Pioneer"?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sample Church Anniversary Themes

Our TTC Spa School, Chiang Mai

nemnogo kartinok

Konositova vatasino seincei des (eto nasha sensei)

uchebnyi klass

and we zdes chitaem molitvu Pereda zanyatiem

Why Does Alabama Have A Number On Their Helmets

love day

not dealt with, almost prazdnik!

kaki podarki you svoim lyubimym things go wrong?

zdes in Tae mozhno in fotosalone sfotatsya to magnitik

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Difference Between Oxycodone And Hydrocodone Test


pochemy who priezhaet in Tailand hotiyt to tell yourself this?
in our gruppe i yaponki amerin i \\ Kanka brazilyanka and everything in this and hotyat ESHE. after gorod mnogo advertising tattoo.

est in your tattoo?
cho Daet it you?

Difference Between Flexeril And Skelaxin

Fu King Chinese?

suddenly found out that we are now working with the VA within ten minutes of each other and went to look for something for lunch.
found a lone Chinese restaurant where we go with a given here in this.

This, apparently, from the famous anecdote:

-boy, Do you pray before food?
-No, my mom cooks well.

A post title, in fact, here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Many Strips For A Brazilian

That's the whole poem

Approaching the station Just before the entrance to the office of the package torn pen its contents are suddenly met with a granite floor and apricot jam came untimely end. Clean it, of course, I had too, and on this over in my head all day turns sad Verse:

a handful of jam carry
easy, Lord, forgive me.

Blueprints Wood Garbage Slide Out Can


мои уроки massages are given a finite hard. Compound was the clearest pervyi day. everything here has experience with masseurs. counted eight Japanese women. Sensei, we, too, Japanese from Okinawa, teacher eats with Thailand but it is basically correct interpretation errors. I am very interested in watching Japanese. They tal cool chorus say sensei HI (All understand). here we are 8 to 5 does massage each other. read the morning prayer in Taisa:)

seichas're going to herbal spa sauna. relax urgently needed after school ...

who I naidet Phrase Japanese, arigato to godzaimas.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

1988 Yamaha Terrapro Wiring

ohae godzaimas ...

in our class of 4 Japanese .. For the Japanese, even the textbooks on Japanese mk English find it difficult to give ...
will practice Japanese :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where Can I Buy A Platypus Figure

of movements in space and time

6th of February last as follows: a taxi from the house and the airport, the plane in Bangkok, sky train with two changes to avtobusnoi wets station 2, a bus to Chiang Mai, a tuk tuk to the school massage ...
and here I am writing to you from here

like everything, live outside the city, have already learned taitskih few easy words - Thao - rice and yaitso - khai.
went to eat. :)
tomorrow 1st zaniatie

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Petite Going Out Dresses

Let's paint the fridge

Speaking of color-coded - saw today emerald-green sign "brick". Slowed down three seconds - that the garbage: green means you can , "brick" means impossible.
Perhaps this meant: "Excuse me graciously, but no entry."

similar effect is obtained if we ask for a cigarette, while tapping his forefinger on the outside of the wrist.

Wedding Thank You Verbage

The real deal

I can not sort out their feelings to Google Art Project.
On the one hand, a great resource, especially for researchers and art historians - The pictures you can examine each brush stroke, every speck of dust. Not talking about savings on the tickets, for example, in Madrid

On the other ... I remember very well how stood in the Museo Del Prado and wiped her tears before " Descent from the Cross" , and on the screen - yes, van der Weyden, yes, a masterpiece, but - no punches.
Again, before the first visit to the Museum Pushkin, I did not understand Gauguin. No, correction - I did not understand reproductions of Gauguin. And there accidentally wandered into his room, and exactly half an hour sat on a bench in front his "Still Life with parrots - and no, I'm not tired.

But despite the mixed feelings, I'm sitting here, considering "Still life with three puppies. He New York, and I - no, and I though that.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Commercial Lease Application Example

Smehuechechki in the ranks!

saw today in the documents of a person by name and position "Olga Shitts, Principal" - gosh, this person just needs an assistant by name, mneee, John Giggles.

"To all employees: we require that you submit your weekly reports for Shitts and Giggles no later than 5 PM on Friday".

Poptropica Database Error

because I always think about it (C)

... a "well-groomed girl, incidentally, is one that completely went away.

Merry task: guess what really means "prejudiced the state".

What To Wear For Physical Therapy

I know what you want

to the depths of the soul touched today's picture on Toothpaste for Dinner.

pondering not edit a Learn interests me. I used to have there been "calm protoplasm" and "active protoplasm", and now one of Basho and stayed.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pregnancy Games On How To Give Birth Online Free

Births in water.

We Olga went to school in Vladivostok. Now she lives in America, then in Spain. its BF from Ireland. She teaches yoga. recently gave birth daughter in the water. her story.

Baby gave birth to another on Dec. 28, yesterday it was one month already. Her name is Ariadne, she's fine and growing and are very pleased with us. I also feel great, have resumed classes in yoga, immediately returned to their weight before pregnancy, even less already. Gave birth to her quickly, just an hour after the arrival at the hospital, in the water. Surprisingly, a wonderful experience giving birth! I recommend! :)
Now we're in the process of her three passports (Russian + U.S.) Although she would not like her mother, the inconvenience of having one of the Russian citizenship. Third - the Irish for the pope.

I gave birth to the so-called birth center. They differ hospitals to its philosophy. Typically, these are private centers opened by midwifes (according to our midwife, they have a special license). Their philosophy - the process of childbirth - A natural process, the female body for childbirth and this should not be treated as an illness. These centers do not use any drugs, including Analgesic. They use massage, herbs, homeopathic remedies, and that's it. If necessary, they are always in minutes from hospitals. In such centers offer delivery in water, birth at home (the midwife comes to your home for the birth). There's a very comfortable rooms furnished in a home setting, where you can eat, drink, bring your favorite music and dad can be involved in the admission of the child. Also, they are supporters of the inextricable link mom and baby at birth, all necessary procedures as far as possible be made without removing the child from contact with his mother. (Sorry for my bad Russian).
We arrived at the center at 9 pm, the cervix was discovered already by 10 cm in half an hour I moved the water, everything happened fast, they were afraid not have time to collect water in the bath. I climbed into the bathtub with water when I have already begun attempts. Sat as if squatting next to Aidan and povetuha Roseanne. (By the way Aidan could also be in the water me on request). After eight attempts to head appeared, I saw her, well, then the next any attempts came all the body. We picked it up in a blanket and on my chest. Then Aidan figured with the floor and told me that it docha. Umbilicus in these centers, unlike hospitals, cuts not once, but after it stops flashing, type as a reserve parachute in case of a child can not breathe. Aidan himself cut the navel. Well, everything, then I got out of the bath and gave birth to the placenta. Incidentally, the placenta we took home, we zakapsulirovali it and now I eat it in capsule form. There's a lot of nutrients for moms. In short, I gave birth to a 10 button, I put 2 seam, done both of us all sorts of tests to make sure everything is in order and 2 nights we have already gone home. Then at 1 and 4 day we came home nurse for review.

like this all gone! I would once again bare, everything was super!

I wish everyone who wants it and is ready for this to have healthy kids!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alden Shoes Wholesale

winking at the west coast

And you know what the doctors say Sciences, published beyond his competence?

"Not pi-HC-di !"

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cheap Dkny Sellers On Stardoll

lucky. Restaurant Gogol.

I've never been to the theater Meals and entertainment Gogol
but heard a lot about him. for some reason on my body come from Gogol's sms-ki on their programs.
here and karaoke and night club with world djeyami.
today came on the SMS business lunch. She seduced me - trout grilled teriyaki, grilled steak, rice, 2 soups, 8 salads and so on. and the whole of 2000 tg. decided that it is possible ingda afford lunch for $ 18.
came back and okazalalas first visitor. service just the upper class, all communicate very respectfully, friendly, smiling. Interior just super.
business lunch at a buffet, all the waiters themselves impose. I tried a few dishes, but a little bit, mk know what to gorge on the buffet table is not the best (yes, there have been cases).
already wanted to ask for an account, and then came up to me dear administrator, and said that I 1st visitor to share a business lunch and they treat me:) it was a pleasure riding.
I generally relaxed and hung with delight over the tiramisu and tea with a candle.

come in Gogol on business lunches and more.
from their website:

There are restaurants in which guests are coming, as home. / Often and with pleasure. Waiting for them, they are pleased. Almost all visitors to know each other and are friends, because frequent.
In a place where mixing of the menu cuisines of different countries so harmoniously, almost imperceptibly. Eating simple Mexican macho, nachos and fajitas, perfectly complement the Japanese sushi or Italian spaghetti. Because we, in Gogol, not just serve food and drinks - we give your mood and coziness. Something other than a warm atmosphere and friendly company where everyone is familiar and happy with each other, no small way contributes to the interior. Competent synthesis, elegant furniture, giving the interior that same spirituality and "domesticated" and elements of modern design thought gives the restaurant a unique atmosphere ...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Should Cm Look Lik Just Before Period

and you weak? Yoga in the morning, Almaty

Teacher Yerzhan. Morning classes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Put Cheats On Vba Fire Red

Ah left our bus

Exhibition Tour Sketchbook Project begins in February with the New York City - the place of the Brooklyn Art Library. Then will be Portland, Atlanta, and then suddenly Washington (it's in April, if anyone), Winter Park (it is not where?), Chicago, Austin, Seattle and San Francisco (June and, therefore, to be there with us it does not, alas).

Two images of (un) complicated inner world of paranoid

project is normal, without much show off. Art blog, draw yourself a notebook on the topic - someone vers libre and probably can be called. Therapy in its pure form, plus produces a useful habit during the senseless phone calls led not handle on important financial documents, and intended to order the paper.

I was there too, somewhere there, but given the number of participants, I was there at the same time kakbe not.
That's what counted.

And three unrelated facts that were:

1. I find it difficult to absorb information, not leading with the pen on paper (yes, Valentine E., I'm on the lessons of history are systematically painted the third installment of the first row of curls). If I do not look into the eyes of the speaker, it does not mean that I do not take what he says - rather the opposite. And people are offended.

2. When I was little, I am, it turns out, painted with colored pencils father's passport. And most importantly, has grown up and forgotten, and Pavlov grew up and forgot and Dad - podi you can remember.

3. Peach schnapps + orange juice + guava juice in equal proportions - is the perfect cure for Friday. Yeah, he came up with, but you use what already there.

Roulette Repeating Numbers

Black as night, sweet as sin

penetrated into the office coffee machine. I look like, making me a cup of coffee, she c buzz draws water from transparent tank side.

As though has turned out and now guzzles.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Elegant Goth Blogger Template

Enjoy your stay

right tagline for the film "1408" : Here is a number that I died.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bohr Diagramtemplates

planes fly our airlines anonymous

Saw prekrasTnoe on one of the travel-sites, and can not say at what (and I do not remember when it comes to that).

major airlines, yeah. One would like to add lines below: "Totally legit!"
Colidnaya firm will lease a stapler.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Milena Velba And Nadene Janson

yoga in the morning on Auezov Kalinina

Modern person gradually loses touch with nature and natural cycles of time. Although the laws of nature programmed otherwise, we are already hard to wake up early in the morning, we often feel frustrated and sleepy. Although scientists and master oriental show that it is morning optimal for the development and improvement of all body systems. That is why yoga in the morning for maximum positive effect and allows you to quickly achieve results.

went today to practice yoga in the morning at 7. 30 to Yerzhan on Auezov Kalinina, he was 20 years studying yoga in India. work is constructed in such a way that 1 hour you can perform 50-60 asanas. the effect is stunning.

timetable here
record on tel 87012108631

Coprocessor Driver Compaq V6000

Cragsgirl moyaaaaaa ....

climber, indulgently watching hapless companion, dangling over the abyss: "Yeah, and now you ask for my hand, brute?"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Element Vs Birdhouse Who's Better

vitizkaja @ 2011-01-16T21: 02:00

Kind of sick I was inspired by M. Limerick:

There was a young lady from Penza
Who appeared to have influenza
She took loads of pills
To cure all her ills
And passed out atop the credenza.

Zadolbalsya wait until you get sick - he confided - in English only, these two words from your hometown and rhyme.

Dvd Player Andupconverting 1080 Tv

Sunday lunch. Shrimp with pasta

simply and quickly. Boil shrimp add soy sauce and lemon juice. Boil pasta, add the butter. put a shrimp on the pasta, sprinkle with mozzarella.

Do You Get Cervical Mucus Before Your Period?

Wishes 2011

mk my DR next to NY, I decided to combine February holiday. My friend and I played on my DR this game: all write to 5 wishes for 2011 on separate pieces of paper. We had 5 people, you have 25 pieces of paper. then all mixed and take out all the papers in turn.

I run into the following

there is and my and my desires, but I do like:))

and the games play you?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tech Dech Games Online For Free

vitizkaja @ 2011-01-15T18: 30:00

Tell me have someone as in the therapist and the mega-gigapevtov?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cervical Mucus Cramping

chicanery Inc

circle therapeutic crochet for insomniacs "Not spitstsa.

How To Shorten Curtains

Proudly sending people for the loop since 1998.

Vititskaya same power. How bogged down bureaucracy in my new office?

So much so that the card account of hours worked is a graph of "filling the card account of hours worked."

Cover Letter For A Car Company

you ask - we answer

me there someone asked what it is I write down all this time? Yes, I do not remember a fig, had to refresh.
From notebook illegible.

"G. Potter comes out of the closet, a scar on his forehead from being hit on the doorpost. "

"Logarithmic operators"

"I was handed an artichoke,
I have culture shock."

"ideal woman. Silicone balloon in a vacuum. "

"Praise hat chance acquaintance and immediately get her a gift, that same evening saved by her from the rain. "

And finally:
"Buy the food: wine, beer and firewood."

way, AI! Cake "integral" - he also has to be flaky test! ( [info] gorba prompted, of course, she had not guessed). This will go into the collection mat.desertov, right recipe for the pie, "binomial" (Half-filling - cherry, half - apple).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Playtex Pearl Slender

Suddenly limerick

in marital, cheri, the situation
hiding deep frustration:
You lie in negligee
With turmoil in the soul,
He craves the second iteration.

original, of course - "Do not go, girls, get married."