Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Britain Notense Alprazolam

That obscure object of desire ....

clear before I leave that to raise the issue then is not shared by 99% of people in this country, American series seen on the Internet, and not resort to pose headaches for the mule or torrents. Since I do charge a little server that snob, but what do you want? It comes with the package, what can I do ...

Well done something two or three years, Apple's virtual store, the iTunes opened in principle only to the U.S. store and a couple of years later in France, United Kingdom and Germany (I think), a section dedicated to TV and films. I had been customary for years had followed the various incarnations of Star Trek in VO, with videos then buy at Amazon UK, and the novelty caught my attention for several reasons, try to enumerate ...

First, the immediacy, I was expected to release a video or DVD they could download the episodes the day after their TV broadcast. Secondly, the cleanliness involved in the audiovisual experience to get rid of the menus, advertising, propaganda anti-piracy, etc. ... The trailers, but could see another website just Apple. Thirdly, the physical m'estalviava without having to remove shelves and spend the dust cloth; laugh, but when your collection DVDs and videos is big enough and would have ordered something, they'll have a bit of thoughtful. With this new option, however, could reviewing the collection with Cover Flow even full screen ... And fourthly, a very attractive price and the current exchange rate of the euro against the dollar, two dollars per episode (for now three dollars if you want to download in HD, HD), cheaper than some packs of entire seasons on DVD, though not always, depends on whether it is new, you are subject to promotion (DVDs), etc.. However, regarding the downloading of films, normally fall below ten dollars, premieres a little more, but in this case it cheaper than you buy the DVD. Even now you have the ability to download films for viewing on a rental basis to 99 cents! Although in reality the price normal this choice is three dollars ...

There is also the issue of how you see these videos, because the options are very limited, or we'll download to an iPod (not surprisingly I have!, And that I am a customer of the iTunes English the American and English!), we'll sync with your hard drive via wireless multimedia Apple, the Apple TV ... but a television must be ready to receive HD signal and it seems that the settings ... is a headache, or, finally, we'll look at the computer! In this respect I can not complain with a 22-inch widescreen monitor looks pretty good ... The paste , however, is that you can not burn in physical, ie they can not dump these videos to a DVD for viewing on your device ... Well, yeah sure can be one way or another, nowadays everything is pirated, but the knowledge to do it escapes me ... There was only

un problema; bé, dos. El primer problema era que totes aquestes virgueries no es troben, incomprensiblement, a disposició dels internautes espanyols, i com deia abans només fa un any que en poden gaudir els anglesos o els francesos. Aquí amb prou feines ens hem de conformar amb una secció de videoclips que no sabria dir si mantenen actualitzada, és a dir que qui vulgui continguts àudiovisuals en castellà per gaudir-ne a l'iPhone o l'iPod Touch, amb les seves grans pantalles, va llest...

Però no passa res, no? Si les vols aquestes coses, te les compres a l'iTunes nord-americà de la mateixa manera que pots comprar sense pràcticament cap trava a l'Amazon ianqui o a l'anglès and we will send home, no? MEEEEEEEECCCCC! No, gentlemen! To open a client account to the iTunes U.S., and by extension to each of the countries where this is the virtual store, you must have residence in the country in question and what is more important because you can get the address of anywhere you have a credit card from a U.S. bank. Yes we've done good!

But the anxiety was already ... How could such a year I expect to see the next season of LOST if the network did not stop talking about the last episode broadcast? Finally, turning to the Internet, I found the solution: open PayPal account with a U.S. address ... the library of a city that has the same zip code Luck .... but a credit card from a bank here, do not you think, between verification and comedies I take three or four days just to keep the account active, today also I find it convenient to make payments powered by example, and not be giving the VISA at all times. Because payments to Apple, however, were using this proxy, not detect trap and during the last two or three years I've been downloading content normally, even the hiring season pass or season passes, m'estalviava that the time be outstanding to me download the same episode but the same system to alert me when mail was available and downloaded automatically as soon as he opened the program ... A wonder!

Until, alas, with the latest version of iTunes software, the 9th, I have finished the broccoli! Now I do not repeat the exact words, but to pay with PayPal as usual, Apple has told me that Nanay which payment method would be through a U.S. bank, and Tururut! It may be a temporary thing, so I see the user forums of other people, even to the same United States, are finding problems when processing payments that had not yet, but I think there is much I can count ...

Now what? Well, ruled out the possibility of paying directly with credit card or through Paypal, there is only a third possibility ... the gift cards , ie pre-paid cards. But we have the same problem ... The big stores do not come outside the U.S. (the English have so many hobbies, it must be said, and can get in free gift cards with ease), now you have the apanyar looking for a seller to solvency so do not put paste or via eBay and is a risk ... Estoy ello in and think I found something interesting, but I do not block completely, we'll see ...

But there's something I'm busting all this and find it a contradiction and downright irritating. If I am willing to pay for audiovisual content, why not leave me? Why do I choose to cheat or to deceive the iTunes hack it directly to the Internet? If Apple are clear that each customer should buy from the iTunes store only to their country, why leave from the program access to all shops everywhere? Why not block? Although you can also cheat programs that hide the geographic origin of your IP ... What good to us the long teeth? It makes sense as they always argue that each country must negotiate rights with audiovisual companies in the world we live in today? So what happens if people complain of everything and start downloading like crazy? Because, in English, we just offer digital and a catalog that is not to just jump for joy .... I get their hands of the anxiety of these companies put the field when all doors would be easier for everyone if there were many barriers in the middle and the contents were more accessible ...

In short, I hope to resolve these obstacles before February, when it begins the last season of Lost! If not, will not be the same ....


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