Friday, September 11, 2009

How To Make Buggy Tops

Ok, this ends! Hence I'll have 24 hours already "hit the ground," they say ... Meanwhile, therefore, a apressuradet some day to meet the commitments that I did last ... By the way, but yesterday I forgot to comment on the visit to the Tower of London I also visited the tower Crown jewels, which are used in coronation ceremonies, the last of the Queen Elizabeth II crowns dating back hundreds of years ago, the world's largest diamond embedded in a scepter, ceremonial dishes of gold from a meter ... Bufff! All true, apparently. First you talk a little history of it all, and when it comes to seeing the actual jewels ... brrrrrrrrrrrr, make you go through a mechanical tape so that can take a look (almost touch them as you put them so close, it must be said), and if you admire some detail, and walk back again puja't back to the tape! A entertainment, go ...

Today was the day because of British Museum, where I arrived mid-morning and, as always, relied on out to lunch when, in practice, it was rather snack ... Little I can say that you can see for yourself the Museum website, which I encourage you to check ... Surprised by the enormity of the building, the barbarity of pieces on display ... as well as temporary exhibitions, there are seventy rows visit each detailed takes at least half an hour, do yourself instead ... and curiosities such as, for example, lets shoot, something not usually seen in museums and that causes people to photograph somebody wafer into landmarks like the Rosetta Stone, by the way I imagined smaller ...

Although admission is free, as I found many museums here, I decided to make me an audio guide to make me capable of highlights or most important parts, the Museum ... When they took over five hours, I only needed to visit the area of Korea and one more thingy, and was dead of Ghent and had headache and all, I left run, for a future visit, visits have been pending more detailed areas such as the Parthenon, all of Ancient Egypt, Medieval and China, where I've stopped all the time I would have liked .. .

Finally working on a visit to Harrod's where I wanted to buy some cookies or chocolates to deliver at home and at work. Mission accomplished! But faith in God that I wanted to bring a large suitcase twice to take me home all the gluttony that have gone there for the eyes ... I also visited the cheese section I was thinking that if the Piece of Luck, I dropped dead right there in print ... There has been lucky, but ... ;)

And before returning to the hotel, I made a small concession to mitomania, something not very common in me, and I caught the Bakerloo subway line to Warwick Avenue, which you can see pictured above ... That is what Warwick Avenue? The scene of one of the best tracks from the Scottish singer Duffy ...

Ouch! In the end, allow me these little eccentricities ... Au, tomorrow or Sunday, depending on when you can lay hands on a computer, can assessment play ...


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