Saturday, November 28, 2009

Baby Vibrating Chairs No Fire Retardant

The Time Traveler's Wife

So far I have not finished reading the book I started in London, The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger writer. No, better not think about what this says about the time devoted to reading, are barely 500 pages and half had already read there, I'm embarrassed if you think about ... Although, if I stop to think, read a lot actually read, rather than watch TV (no) or similar movies and (infrequently), it is what I read newspapers, comics in half hour I polished them to me or, as now, some among the dozens of RSS feed reader I have to ... Unresolved, but ...

Well, the book in question tells the story of Henry DeTamble, librarian at the Newberry of Chicago, and Clare Abshire, an artist and paper sculpture. Henry and Clare are known since he was 36 years and Clare was 6, 1977, although they are not the first time, the Newberry Library until 1991, when Henry is 28 years and has 20 in Clare. Confused? No, I am not wrong ... Henry suffers from a genetic dysfunction (and here comes in what the Yankees say Suspension of disbelief) that makes it jump so uncontrollable that time, during brief intervals in the present, past and future. Because every time you jump is good for first time in an unknown, at least in principle, and also without clothes and without means, has developed tactics of defense and thieves that make slums of Chicago known as the Boy Library, which made me very funny, hehehehe ....

The novel is divided into short chapters that alternate points of view of Henry, always jumping a moment to another, and Clare, who end up being his wife. At first I thought that at some point in the novel, there would be some mystery or threat, or will give more explanations about the condition of Henry, which would suquillo a bit of intrigue and excitement, but I ended up accepting half a book that was not the case and that I was simply faced with a unique love story, with the obstacles that the condition can mean the protagonist, but nothing more (nor less) than this, and once I enjoy coming to this conclusion further reading, as I said very appropriate for its structure at short times I spent there. The end, as you can imagine, is both romantic and touching ... A track takes place in 2053, although Henry, exhausted and spent (would rather wasted, but I do not know if it translated well) for many jumps, had died very, very before .... A reading, therefore, highly recommended, especially if like me you have a sensitive soul ... ;)

Ah, there's movie! I would say not released here. The star Eric Bana, Rachel McAdams and Ron Livingston, and I leave the trailer below, you will see for the first time while I had my saved until you finish the book ...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Milena Velba And Teaching

Sunday at the Museum

There are old wooden chairs of the Coyote, with the name and everything, rolling through the town ...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Horror of horrors

take a while I'm at the library while the actors and the company of the Catalan Commit disassembled and out and to change themselves and to discuss how to gone on to Autumn Fair, as he had promised Olga in this morning.

I've been bad to begin assembly of the night because the tent had come between five and six in the morning I went to bed fearing that I would find when they arrive by car despite being half Curb fence and no longer I slept well. Under such that the cat has gone to bed and snuggled and slept when they had (no longer felt runruneig) thinking if I found had either left it up (it's dirty!, Who knows if it takes fleas!) but I did something to make it down once they had found the position. Altogether, oddities ....

not called me or the five or six, but in seven quarters, and indeed there were parked cars were removed. Call the studio to turn the issue and have fallen in the street without showering me or coffee or anything to see how the thing was out of step and also about half of the wooden pallets that were nuisance, I ceased the Slalom at the camp, did not have anywhere else to leave and I collect them Monday ... Was already underway then and I think where missing people were concentrated fair, so I decided since there was a hand to the aldermen who were on the job and, when done as were the past ten ... just spend time at home to get myself presentable and start with the activities of the Commit , although I have done much left unattended between profound, issues of protocol for the visit Sub-Delegate of the Government of the State address to the extent that problems could be fair because I had signed the morning, spend the pictures and the press media, etc. ...

the afternoon, occasional visits to the booth of the Commit , I spent a while when I started the SortMusic to take pictures and send them to the media, more profound, I suggested to use the stand using the library as a base of operations for advancing work, etc. ... Tomorrow, in principle, only a few hours I Museum who used the time to move forward in the novel that I half from London ... in principle almost anything I've done it now planned in advance and see how it went ...

Apart from my degree of masochism (high), not going to assess the circumstances resulting ended a frantic morning because it is not the place to do it. I carry a couple of months working eight in the morning to nine at night most days, and still UOC raft that I only have a couple of subjects and I go by the weekend, but I have little desire for this kind of trouble ... It seems, however, that are inherent to the work carried out, at least in the way that I approach, and if I want to find few options that I pass to leave the job. It should take about ten years now that I am?

Monday, November 2, 2009

What Type Of Hair Does Lauren London Has

eggs and flour by the tenth anniversary


Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Beautiful Agony Dailymotion

In front, behind and through the roof!

Not many days ago commented that the meeting m'angoixava Outstanding Community Residents. As I say what a soul Candida (and an idiot) when I went to live I volunteered to carry out the roles that I think nobody could do better than me, maybe, but in practice I've been finding that with my crazy work hours I can devote little or no time to issue, and then some issues s'eternitzen server and, rightly or wrongly, assumes that to blame and to get the play ...

The fact is that for some time now the community has problems, and serious. On one hand, to the north facade has been erected a new building next to the Plaça Sant Eloi which is few meters lower than ours and has embedded its cover, literally in our front, reaching an inch of the windows of that floor. We did not realize until they removed the scaffold works, and after consultation with counsel, has concluded that planning regulations allow it, or rather it tolerated, and that from point of view of the Civil Code there is nothing to do. Well, actually, what regulations says is that that makes you want on our front cover should be less than about 20 cm, and politely requested that the developer cut, but at least I do not count much, and we'll see when we answer if neighbors are willing to spend thousands of euros judged by 20 cm ... Regret, however, that under the law that nonsense and you'll do so as not to swallow ...

As if this were not enough, a neighbor of the building that plays to our south facade, you will not go better idea ... it was now, this week or the previous ... to install the satellite dish on your balcony or not its facade ... but ours! And well stapled with one meter cable ... Au! Touch your balls! On leaving the meeting we went to see us and said he had not been his thing but the installer, although it affected the neighboring do not think that he felt the holes in the wall at night ( ??!?)... If you do not fulfill the promise to withdraw it soon be faced with an allegation that we are sufficiently sensitive to the issue of the facades because we like this happens, see how the theme continues ...

And finally make matters worse, the rain will enter the roof! It started about a couple of months as a few drops, and eventually things have gone worse and the affected neighbor has been found on occasions when has rained with great intensity, water flooded the show with ... With today have been the FOUR times the palette has climbed on the roof trying different things, changing Llosses, checking chimneys, covering cracks with silicone ... but we hope that this time we found the source of the leak, even we did an experiment by pouring a bucket of water on it to see if flickered down and so was ... Anyway, since this neighboring homes up tomorrow and not back up here a month and a half, I left a set of keys to your house when it rains, I can get closer to see if we actually we have come this time to repair it or not, but it covers rai insurance community ...

Right now I have, therefore, three key neighbors are not home and my own, that is nearly half-scale resort m'agafarà goalkeeper ... as is said of that here there is no quien viva ? no longer remember ... Let's see if we ignore that we have open fronts and my job as secretary simply pass the bills once a year and little else ...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Britain Notense Alprazolam

That obscure object of desire ....

clear before I leave that to raise the issue then is not shared by 99% of people in this country, American series seen on the Internet, and not resort to pose headaches for the mule or torrents. Since I do charge a little server that snob, but what do you want? It comes with the package, what can I do ...

Well done something two or three years, Apple's virtual store, the iTunes opened in principle only to the U.S. store and a couple of years later in France, United Kingdom and Germany (I think), a section dedicated to TV and films. I had been customary for years had followed the various incarnations of Star Trek in VO, with videos then buy at Amazon UK, and the novelty caught my attention for several reasons, try to enumerate ...

First, the immediacy, I was expected to release a video or DVD they could download the episodes the day after their TV broadcast. Secondly, the cleanliness involved in the audiovisual experience to get rid of the menus, advertising, propaganda anti-piracy, etc. ... The trailers, but could see another website just Apple. Thirdly, the physical m'estalviava without having to remove shelves and spend the dust cloth; laugh, but when your collection DVDs and videos is big enough and would have ordered something, they'll have a bit of thoughtful. With this new option, however, could reviewing the collection with Cover Flow even full screen ... And fourthly, a very attractive price and the current exchange rate of the euro against the dollar, two dollars per episode (for now three dollars if you want to download in HD, HD), cheaper than some packs of entire seasons on DVD, though not always, depends on whether it is new, you are subject to promotion (DVDs), etc.. However, regarding the downloading of films, normally fall below ten dollars, premieres a little more, but in this case it cheaper than you buy the DVD. Even now you have the ability to download films for viewing on a rental basis to 99 cents! Although in reality the price normal this choice is three dollars ...

There is also the issue of how you see these videos, because the options are very limited, or we'll download to an iPod (not surprisingly I have!, And that I am a customer of the iTunes English the American and English!), we'll sync with your hard drive via wireless multimedia Apple, the Apple TV ... but a television must be ready to receive HD signal and it seems that the settings ... is a headache, or, finally, we'll look at the computer! In this respect I can not complain with a 22-inch widescreen monitor looks pretty good ... The paste , however, is that you can not burn in physical, ie they can not dump these videos to a DVD for viewing on your device ... Well, yeah sure can be one way or another, nowadays everything is pirated, but the knowledge to do it escapes me ... There was only

un problema; bé, dos. El primer problema era que totes aquestes virgueries no es troben, incomprensiblement, a disposició dels internautes espanyols, i com deia abans només fa un any que en poden gaudir els anglesos o els francesos. Aquí amb prou feines ens hem de conformar amb una secció de videoclips que no sabria dir si mantenen actualitzada, és a dir que qui vulgui continguts àudiovisuals en castellà per gaudir-ne a l'iPhone o l'iPod Touch, amb les seves grans pantalles, va llest...

Però no passa res, no? Si les vols aquestes coses, te les compres a l'iTunes nord-americà de la mateixa manera que pots comprar sense pràcticament cap trava a l'Amazon ianqui o a l'anglès and we will send home, no? MEEEEEEEECCCCC! No, gentlemen! To open a client account to the iTunes U.S., and by extension to each of the countries where this is the virtual store, you must have residence in the country in question and what is more important because you can get the address of anywhere you have a credit card from a U.S. bank. Yes we've done good!

But the anxiety was already ... How could such a year I expect to see the next season of LOST if the network did not stop talking about the last episode broadcast? Finally, turning to the Internet, I found the solution: open PayPal account with a U.S. address ... the library of a city that has the same zip code Luck .... but a credit card from a bank here, do not you think, between verification and comedies I take three or four days just to keep the account active, today also I find it convenient to make payments powered by example, and not be giving the VISA at all times. Because payments to Apple, however, were using this proxy, not detect trap and during the last two or three years I've been downloading content normally, even the hiring season pass or season passes, m'estalviava that the time be outstanding to me download the same episode but the same system to alert me when mail was available and downloaded automatically as soon as he opened the program ... A wonder!

Until, alas, with the latest version of iTunes software, the 9th, I have finished the broccoli! Now I do not repeat the exact words, but to pay with PayPal as usual, Apple has told me that Nanay which payment method would be through a U.S. bank, and Tururut! It may be a temporary thing, so I see the user forums of other people, even to the same United States, are finding problems when processing payments that had not yet, but I think there is much I can count ...

Now what? Well, ruled out the possibility of paying directly with credit card or through Paypal, there is only a third possibility ... the gift cards , ie pre-paid cards. But we have the same problem ... The big stores do not come outside the U.S. (the English have so many hobbies, it must be said, and can get in free gift cards with ease), now you have the apanyar looking for a seller to solvency so do not put paste or via eBay and is a risk ... Estoy ello in and think I found something interesting, but I do not block completely, we'll see ...

But there's something I'm busting all this and find it a contradiction and downright irritating. If I am willing to pay for audiovisual content, why not leave me? Why do I choose to cheat or to deceive the iTunes hack it directly to the Internet? If Apple are clear that each customer should buy from the iTunes store only to their country, why leave from the program access to all shops everywhere? Why not block? Although you can also cheat programs that hide the geographic origin of your IP ... What good to us the long teeth? It makes sense as they always argue that each country must negotiate rights with audiovisual companies in the world we live in today? So what happens if people complain of everything and start downloading like crazy? Because, in English, we just offer digital and a catalog that is not to just jump for joy .... I get their hands of the anxiety of these companies put the field when all doors would be easier for everyone if there were many barriers in the middle and the contents were more accessible ...

In short, I hope to resolve these obstacles before February, when it begins the last season of Lost! If not, will not be the same ....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gay Hair Stylist New York City

ends an era at Radio 1 Chart Show

One moments of my recent vacation was when, a few hours after arriving, Sunday afternoon, I connected with Radio 1, one of the music channels BBC to listen "live" on BBC Radio 1 Chart Show , who until then had only heard via streaming and at times during the week. A silly, if you want, but I was funny ...

not remember how I "discovered" this program , but I was hooked for the first time over there in 2004, when Wes Butters had ; had a really special way to intrigue listeners with the top on the list and did a good listen ... Over time, however, was replaced by JK & Joel, I do not "say" big deal, and I stopped listening to the program regularly ...

Later, in early 2008, I needed something to listen to while I worked at home and at night to take a day Current Luck. In those hours GUM FM Oldies emit above, which is not like that, but I need to get ahead at work something a little more energy i. .. Hey, what if I listen the Chart Show? Help me be a little day in musical terms, and as you can hear recorded, it can be keen throughout the week, depending on what currently requires daily ...

At that time, had returned to change presenters, and now they were in front Fearne & Reggie, that is, Fearne Cotton and Reggie Yates , and with them, I turned to paste and I been listening to almost every week since.

The two presenters have together, great chemistry and make a program spontaneous I get the impression that little or no guionitzat , which happen anecdotes and sarcastic comments ... Like that time you called t.u Fearney presenter, explained that the Rihannecdotes Reggie, his interpretations known issues (a few examples below), how silly Fearne was placed Kings of Leon or the conversation with his rise to Enrique Iglesias (!!), when talking about their holidays in Majorca, and much more ...

But alas, all over. It had been rumored a few weeks to blog program, which also worthwhile to follow the Fraser McAlpine caustic music reviews and effectively where we are now this is the last weekend of Fearne & Reggie together the program. Fearne now present the daily program of live music Live Lounge and weight will take the list alone, at least for the moment, Reggie ... It happened occasionally that has submitted himself, the program, and I think it does very well (in fact alone makes him better than her), but not the same ... What can we do!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Basic Wooden Playset Blueprints

One of the major problems that arise when you'll be away from home does not include accommodation and meals is to find out where you go, what you eat, at what prices, etc. .. . In fact, to be faithful to the truth, yes stay including breakfast, but I love going to Starbuck's there were a couple of corners and ask me vanilla latte accompanied muffins or cookies that could be imagined that the breakfast the hotel the other way I came free, each to his own work, you ... Returning

, but what concerns us, every day wondering what he should do and I had decided depending on where I find each time or, for example, at what time he had visits to museums, I often stood outside the lunchtime strictly proper. So often opted for fast food establishments, where at the end I go there with much frequency, in this sense on this journey I discovered the string EAT, with a variety of soups, sandwiches (there call focaccias or ciabatta), salads and fruit salads, because beyond the typical burger and chips ... It helped also that outside of these establishments, prices are shooting for a pretty and one dish everywhere because you asked for between 8 and 10 pounds ...

Anyway, I knew how serious it was because the UK does not taste the local cuisine. As for the fish & chips , ie fish, usually cod with potatoes, I ate in a couple of occasions. Circling the city, which saw many of traditional pubs, in addition to drinking, serving lunches and snacks too, but I dare not go there, always looked full and going alone, because as I was some print ...

Finalment, l'última nit!, em vaig decidir i vaig entrar al Black Lion , que em quedava prop de l'hotel i al que correspon la plate you see above, which speaks of a tradition continued over time, and at least the decor in the style that we often see in movies, so noted. I ask Sausage, mashed potatoes & Peas , ie sausage with mashed potatoes and peas, as you see nothing but sophisticated dinner not spend too hungry. To accompany it, however, a good pint, not that surprised when they come here do not want to hear about anything other than Jerri half because comb already doing this, half liter, if not even more ... In fact, I went in quite satisfied, and some animadet and all ... ;)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Symptoms Stomach Aneurysm

Comfort food and I thought it was over but it's not

Home, sweet home ... Home, sweet maybe not, but we understand it, but not bad if I do not think until Wednesday plays and therefore I can still enjoy a couple of days monkeys ... or Tuesday morning I open the library? If I do it stays closed ... Ok, we'll see, depends on what mood you are. In any case, stating that I like to write accents as God commanded and not looking at the character map which were combinations for different letters, for example ALT +0232 for the "e" with grave accent (è), many end because I knew the memory Tremendo a headache but felt it necessary because you do not hurt to read my daily view holiday letters without accents or as the "C", consider that English accents do not exist and therefore their keyboards not "support" this feature spell ... De nada! ;)

said that I have not finished yet because even though this will be the last journal entry itself, I still have two or three topics to discuss with more space, and I hang up here or Photos I've been doing a bit more to drive the subject, will make ...

On Saturday, then played the final hours of Apure homes because at noon I came to pick me to return to Heathrow and let me out of the country, you will already have had to win. The strategy was the morning visit the public library North Kensington, which seemed the closest to my location so it was inferred from the query to Google, once there and checking the information leaflets, I saw that I probably closer to the Notting Hill Gate.

But was not bad going in North Kensington, because to do so, had to cross, what street?, Portobello Road!, A beautiful and sunny Saturday morning, so that craft shops and street stalls, which make up one of the most famous shopping areas of the city were crowded with tourists like myself ... Nor is it much because I did not entertain the intention of buying anything, but I stopped two or three places, for example a stop where they came prints or prints of the elephant Babar do not know I was so amused, and stops some crepes ... you did come salivera Because it all came from not only various antiques and crafts that was the most frequent but also fruits and vegetables, bread and pastry, food of all kinds, and much more ...

Yes I noticed, however, hung posters in each of the stops to record the municipal authority, with the number of stops is fixed or if the word "casual" if it was not ... An idea to copy the market here? Incidentally, the previous Sunday in Hyde Park, I also noticed the large presence of artists hang their paintings on the wall that surrounds the park on the sidewalk of Bayswater Road, exactly as he does here in the Riuet of Capdevila Seura to take that baggage and look !, also with all the relevant local authority for public exhibition and sale ...

visit the public library space lasted for half an hour, not too much because I extenc is subject to another written comment that a couple of things that I copy, this was at the end with the intention that I went to industrial espionage, hehehehee .... Two plants on the ground floor and the books and audiovisual top floor reference area with newspapers and magazines (which incidentally had the international edition of The Country ... and magazine Hello! the week, do not you think they were a relic ....) and Internet access, in addition, separate entrance to the Children's section, separated from the rest or at least so it seemed although the same building.

And finally, one last ride and a bit of reading Hyde Park, or perhaps be more correct to say Kensington Gardens (are contiguous and the limit is at the Serpentine almost be considered a single park) because I did not get away much of the hotel so it could be ... As I mentioned above, made good time and there were many people there doant laps ... And

bird! I came to the taxi and head for home! Incidentally, the driver, a boy and Almeida surname from Coimbra, Portugal, I had the longest conversation in English I had the whole week, I began to ask apologize because he was waiting outside while I was inside the hall I think I would come to look (!) and we were all the way they're chatting: I talked about the difference between the Marks & Spencer and Primarket, training required to take driver's title (two years) or by taxi (seven years) and in the meantime to keep you otherwise, that his wife was Japanese in Osaka and had a daughter so small that could speak English, Portuguese and Japanese (this is called multiculturalism!) every year because they were going to visit two families in the UK if you lose points from your license and driving without going directly t'enxampen the garjola and not happening here, so ... Arriving at the airport, he said that I regretted not having me put myself in a position to speak English more often on days when there was (and how could it do?, Suggestions?) Giving for granted that I would understand and see ... I'm very silly!

And a cat and a dog and this story has already been cast! :))) Oh, no wait, someone will ask you to remove any photo from the beginning! Corresponds to bulding site complex The Lancasters Hyde Park, the corner of the street where my hotel was an impressive building that have pulled down inside, have left only the facade, and are rebuilding to locate luxury apartments ... It strikes me, however, because as you can see in the image on the pavement that confronts the main street, about two hundred feet or so, have placed an art installation with illustrations and all of Crayons, each with its slogan or message, and that was fun to go when reading steps ahead ... If ever I am rich and I want to buy a house in London, this is a good place! ;)

Friday, September 11, 2009

How To Make Buggy Tops

Ok, this ends! Hence I'll have 24 hours already "hit the ground," they say ... Meanwhile, therefore, a apressuradet some day to meet the commitments that I did last ... By the way, but yesterday I forgot to comment on the visit to the Tower of London I also visited the tower Crown jewels, which are used in coronation ceremonies, the last of the Queen Elizabeth II crowns dating back hundreds of years ago, the world's largest diamond embedded in a scepter, ceremonial dishes of gold from a meter ... Bufff! All true, apparently. First you talk a little history of it all, and when it comes to seeing the actual jewels ... brrrrrrrrrrrr, make you go through a mechanical tape so that can take a look (almost touch them as you put them so close, it must be said), and if you admire some detail, and walk back again puja't back to the tape! A entertainment, go ...

Today was the day because of British Museum, where I arrived mid-morning and, as always, relied on out to lunch when, in practice, it was rather snack ... Little I can say that you can see for yourself the Museum website, which I encourage you to check ... Surprised by the enormity of the building, the barbarity of pieces on display ... as well as temporary exhibitions, there are seventy rows visit each detailed takes at least half an hour, do yourself instead ... and curiosities such as, for example, lets shoot, something not usually seen in museums and that causes people to photograph somebody wafer into landmarks like the Rosetta Stone, by the way I imagined smaller ...

Although admission is free, as I found many museums here, I decided to make me an audio guide to make me capable of highlights or most important parts, the Museum ... When they took over five hours, I only needed to visit the area of Korea and one more thingy, and was dead of Ghent and had headache and all, I left run, for a future visit, visits have been pending more detailed areas such as the Parthenon, all of Ancient Egypt, Medieval and China, where I've stopped all the time I would have liked .. .

Finally working on a visit to Harrod's where I wanted to buy some cookies or chocolates to deliver at home and at work. Mission accomplished! But faith in God that I wanted to bring a large suitcase twice to take me home all the gluttony that have gone there for the eyes ... I also visited the cheese section I was thinking that if the Piece of Luck, I dropped dead right there in print ... There has been lucky, but ... ;)

And before returning to the hotel, I made a small concession to mitomania, something not very common in me, and I caught the Bakerloo subway line to Warwick Avenue, which you can see pictured above ... That is what Warwick Avenue? The scene of one of the best tracks from the Scottish singer Duffy ...

Ouch! In the end, allow me these little eccentricities ... Au, tomorrow or Sunday, depending on when you can lay hands on a computer, can assessment play ...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shoulder Pain In Late Pregnancy

Warwick Avenue Austin Powers?!?

As I was running out of time, I had promised to go down to Buckingham Palace today to see the Changing of the Guard, a parade at a ceremony consisting of members of the Palace Guard, some walk with distinctive "helmet "Black Horse and others, all at the residence of Queen Elizabeth II. I had heard what was being done daily by some posters that I saw by chance in the park, and although I meant getting up a little earlier than usually ... why it had been delayed ... they had an hour would be enough to cross Hyde Park and Green Park down to Buckingham, and once there quietly watch the ceremony ... I thought, "Overall, we are first September, but there must be many tourists "....

Poor me! it had calculated the time needed to make the trip, a point in my favor, but when I reached the height of the statue Queen Victoria ... there were hundreds of people! or thousands! I had to make do with watching the parade a bit far, and when I saw the opportunity, I am nearer to the railings of the Palace to see soldiers marching up and down ... By the way, as they did at some point I think that the music sounded was not martial but "lounge music" and after a short while, I could confirm when my ears have heard, right there in front of Buckingham Palace .... the soundtrack the movie of "Austin Powers" ... I colored in Sonic ... How serious is this?!?

Au, in this video you can see better than I ... After this program was to get me to the Tower of London , come and go and spend the rest of the afternoon at the British Museum. Like yesterday, but none of this, I have been fortunate to go to coincide with the start of the turn Beefeater, the name given to the guardians of the Tower, to make the tour, I I said, and I've been feeling for a while stories of kings and queens, some of whom had seen the tomb in Westminster Abbey yesterday, with every bloody detail, hehehehe ... I was particularly impressed to visit the place where they run the Anne Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry VIII, and Lady Jane, on the death of which I remember seeing a film young man I liked very despite the depressing end, obviously ...

In addition, because of the tour, I also visited among others the Bloody Tower, which explains the story of the disappearance of two princes, the Chamber of Torture and the place where the crows that breed live in the Tower, because, according prophecy if ever leave the Tower, the whole kingdom of England will fall ... See what I said yesterday about the love we feel for the English the story? However, as can be, the wings clipped so they can not fly too far, hehehehehe ....

In the end, lunch based on fish & chips to a stop in the street ... I'm not surprised that cod is being extinguished, what portions you put !..., walk by the famous London Bridge to cross over the Thames, and I finished the afternoon by a visit to the Apple Store Regent Street , there was nothing out of buying a gift card me to download music from iTunes, but I drew attention to see the place, a cathedral for Maquera , including, alas, not me I count at least for now ...

Tomorrow the last full day in London, I have yet the British Museum said that above, visit the Harrod's to buy chocolate in the library and the neighborhood ... I give all time? Stay tuned to this screen friend ... ;)

The story of the day! I find must be put face London? Today I played a few times giving directions to tourists who were even more lost than I already said that ... By the way that feels very English speaking, these streets, and sometimes even Catalan ...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Samsung Satellite Hdtv Recorder

The weight of history at Westminster Abbey

the plan for today was to see Big Ben, the British Parliament (The Houses of Parliament), Westminster Abbey and the British Museum. The first two have been relatively rapid, a very short shift to the metro and completed many security measures for that area of course, etcetera ... I thought, however, go in and out of Westminster ... and has not been well.

As soon as one enters the 'Westminster Abbey feel restrained by the weight of history and tradition. The entrance is a bit expensive, frankly, neither more nor less than 15 pounds, but gives you the right to an audio guide which can do a long run by building a detailed explanation of fledged what did you find and really worthwhile.

If you've seen the films with Elizabeth I starring Cate Blanchett, this is your place of rest, and in fact all the English kings and queens, for many, many centuries are buried there, and not only them, also all sorts of noble soldiers, architects, scientists ... everyone who was anyone in the history of the United Kingdom, in fact. Worth mentioning a very special Poet's Corner, where there remains, among many others, Shakespeare, Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Chaucer, Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and even actors like Lawrence Olivier ... You will put goose bumps! How about the fact of passing the grave of Charles Darwin, now that they are 200 years of birth, or see also Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill of the memorial, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier ...

If you think about it coldly, all this might be a bit morbid, wherever you look there are dead everywhere, entombats ground in niches, in sarcophagi, statues and monuments there, many of great artistic value. .. But it can also be explained as an expression of self-respect of a country that loves himself and proud n'est ... maybe we could learn something?!?

Total, which had to be in and out and I've gone into nearly four hours, without even entertain myself too, do not you think ... well, just in time to light a candle the end of the visit and pray one Our Father, in English and English to understand me to understand who I had in front of the altar at the end of the visit ... What will I say? I've heard suggestions for the environment ...

The story of the day! I connect from an Internet cafe to take my way from the McDonald's take on the wifi to upload photos from your phone into the boxes or if I need, get pretty good price, £ 1.50 connection for 75 minutes, compared with £ 1 for 20 minutes at the hotel ... The fact is that yesterday I had this conversation with the owner of Pakistani origin ...
Me: "Good night, Sir. Can I have some internet time, please?" Him: "Yes, of course, where are you?" Me (concerned with shyness, which I must have done ?!?>: "Spain" He (with humor): "know that" good night "is only called when you go to sleep, you say" Good evening "or" good afternoon "... You do not want to put me to sleep (makes gesture acotxar to bed) and leave it neglected this reason, no?!?" I (embarrassed): "It is Of course not! Thanks for the advice, sir! "

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Brazilian Oriental Studies

sunny afternoon at 221B Baker Street Serpentine

Today temperatures have climbed above 25 degrees, after a few days of clouds, cold and at times rain. Dema said that re-cover, so that Londoners have come en masse to the park ... not exaggerating, I've been sitting a while in one of the main arteries, they have quietly gone through before me a hundred cyclists ... due to leverage what was probably one of the last opportunities of the season to have a nice time strolling among the flowers, ducks, swans, squirrels, trees and sitting or lying in the grass.
myself, after the patejada that I screwed up this morning, I crossed the park from the hotel to reach the Science Museum few corners below, I was back up in a couple alla hours quietly reading and enjoying the caloreta! What guuuuuust .....

the story of the day! When leaving the room, good morning I found the woman cleaning the corridor, I say ... "You're the host of Room 201?" Answer timidly: "If" (which I must have done?!?) "Would not you clean the room today?" Reply with pleads: "If, if-you-please, if possible ...." "Oh, because then you think to put the poster inside the door !".... And they had left in a position to "not bother" instead of "may take longer to clean!", What my ineptitude, jajajajajaja ....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Parashoot Jumpers Jackets

When he left M & S have seen at that point Oxford Street was the corner of Baker Street, so that, although loaded with bags, I kicked the street until you reach the place where the "live" Sherlock Holmes, there is now a museum and such. To get your strength back, now I'm eating a traditional fish & chips with half a pint! ;)


the story of the day! Hehehehehe, I already said what would happen if the people carrying the Visa. The singing waitress where lunched when I wrote this post, I was finished explaining where the people, the name meant "luck" in Catalan, etcetera ... He asked me "And you, you feel lucky?" To which I replied "Well, just a little bit ..." ;)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Need An Answer Cancer

Holiday Villa Hotel

Ok, I'm installing now, have taken a little while but I had time for lunch and a coffee ... You see, no big deal but it will be sufficient, I hope. Now to rest a while and then go out to shoot, it seems quite a lively area ...


the story of the day ... When I moved the taxi from the airport, the driver asked me if I wanted to go forward or backward. I replied that I've run ahead and open seating that shows me when I saw the key if I wanted to drive ... I had in mind that the English have the steering wheel on the other side! : DDDD

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Women Inserting Tampons Clips

The Way We Were / The Way We Are

This was me in the winter of 2004, when I make the ID I just renewed today ...

Ok, so the thing progresses ... This morning at Headquarters, I have done in less than an hour new DNI, I want to try one day out of curiosity if it works with e- stretch, and I used to make me also passport ... Mental note: if travel to the United States (New York, New York ...) to ask for a specific visa via the Internet weeks before ...

However, this morning gave me the pounds they had in the local office of the Safety , not much was going well but I do not want to go through the world with deep pockets and prefer to go removing the cash once there, although I advised that commissions paid to save with the card whenever possible, to bring the luck to see if someone tells me What a nice place! or something similar .... hehehehe Incidentally, to illustrate the strength of the euro against the pound sterling, in the case have told me that the same amount given to me today I would side in euros, approximately 50% more just for a year now shame I do not buy Amazon UK as much as before, today I almost download (legally) all because, if not also note that band ...

I also researched what to do to register the roaming Mobile, and have been with the agency to collect the tickets tomorrow morning ... I get an interesting possibility to leave on Sunday and when I return I'll probably pass on Sunday to see Mollet family that long ago and I see again the next day, Monday, unhurried ...

In short, perhaps because they gorge myself on valerian, I rested a bit better today and start seeing things differently, I is I do not sleep well when m'estresso lot, you do not you? Of course I would possibly less if, when I'm good, I brought better go to bed earlier and not stay stuck on the Internet, getting up at about the same time and not lingering thread do on weekends, etc. ... I have to care more and better, well, if Carona would make you see below ... ;)

Thank you all for your encouragement! :)))

And this was me yesterday when I portray to the process today ...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Delirium Tremens When Does It Start


I admit, in some facets of the total life'm useless, as if you explain then ....

Last year, when St. John had been back, I plan ten days holiday on the beach and I booked with the agency, but was just then that Dan had the first seizure and I had to cancel, as I did with enough time, I was not paid for management fee and stayed to save your money for them later, because when we would see ...

Flash-forward to last week when, in anticipation of making holidays from 1 to September 15, I again contacted them to ask me what programs a week in London. Until yesterday I replied, suggesting I have seven days from Sunday until next Saturday, before everyone returns to the bridge on 11 September. I looked at the hotel where you want me, and while I read negative reviews on the Internet (there are also positive), I get the impression that is conveniently located: four streets of Hyde Park, one of largest urban parks in the city, within walking distance Notting Hill and Portobello Road and strength stations tube (subway) to close, including Paddington.

Well, first problem ... I have no ID! Neither passport, this is the same! Tomorrow I will go run-renovate it runs at Headquarters and since I do not trust myself behind the wheel (there I go back later to this topic) I have to use the pass Canton, enough hope to go quick return to management for the morning and not having me to wait until the afternoon ....

Second problem, the schedule of the aircraft are designed to take vacation days (departure at 09:15, arriving at 22:35 h), but to me I do matadors! I've gone to the airport on my own, but out of luck at 4 am? Arrive at night and returned to the car in the morning? I do not see anything, and that today that just nailed me 700 EUR for car insurance and therefore have the feeling that it should take more ...

Third problem, although the agency did not contact me until late yesterday, but could take today to make the first administration since family went to Andorra, the morning of yesterday, when he was circling the subject, I feel bad, I felt the anguish ficava neck ( tweet live) and since that not abandoned me completely, I have spent the night badly this afternoon that the body could not rest I answered, so I am now, with headache and taking valerian to see if you ... No wonder then that the photos of ID has been delinquent with a face that fear, as the climbs tomorrow ...

I do not know what happens. I suspect that so long dump in the stories of the work, when I shot this bubble, I was completely without air. That is not, too, that without being too conscious is depre for what you know and something I have been meeting and another and ... bummmmm!! Neither flowers ... If you switch back to cancel, although in reality they can not do any procedures until they take the DNI new , the agency made by me crazy, but I ask them to ask me back the money and let it be so wrong of me I ...

And another thing. Today I am in five places (I went to Temple and the Crown Fountain Electric, here in the Lucky Orri, Juanmartí and Christmas) asking for an adapter / transformer for use it there and nowhere did not know what the talking ... From what I see on the Internet, however, is relatively easy to find them there, so I'll stay can not load the phone, I hope .... But I seriously do not know what they knew was history, I have been face pasmarote ... Well, what can we do .... I'm going to give a ride to the Green to see if giving me the air ...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Create Your Own Tech Deck

arboldediana @ 2009-06-27T00: 41:00

Community: [info] 30_limones
Fandom: Claymore .
Pairing: Clare x Raki.

01. Anonymity, or "taken by faceless stranger. " 02. the public. 03. Sexuality of terror, or "Help, I'm out of control ... thank god! " 04. The thrill of the forbidden, "No, not you! ... here let me help. " 05. The harem, or "When in Rome ..."
06. The Closet, or "Denial is not just a river in Egypt!" 07. The wardrobe, or "I feel pretty!" 08. Call or , "Oral Sex" 09. Sex and Drugs, or "There is a very rare snuff in that pipe, Mr. Caterpillar" 10. Military Camp, or "Why do bad guys always have the Hottest Uniform?"
11. The Asylum, or "The sleeves of this shirt is a bit long, sir." 12. Garden, or "The great outdoors." 13. The Stables, or "Gee!" 14. Virtual Reality, or "connected, disconnected." 15. The brothel, or "Boy, looks like a Lady of the Night!"
16. 16. Classroom, or "The teacher gave me a rule." 17. The Grotto, or "under the Water Wonderland." 18. the dressing room, or "Throw that soap, Baby." 19. the gym, or "Who likes short-shorts?" 20. First Time, or "Yes! Finally someone is giving me! "
21. Time Only, or "When I think about you I touch myself." 22. Up the Down!, Or "Surprise! Guess who will be over tonight? " 23. Preventing hyperthermia, or "Let me apply some liquid heat to raise its temperature." 24. The Doctor Is In, or "Jo, But That Has Largest Thermometer!" 25. Planetarium, or "Sex under the stars."
26. The Sauna, or "It's getting hot here, so take off everything." 27. Club Heights, or "Wow, this gives an entirely new meaning to 'Flying the Friendly Skies'?" 28. The Movie, or "Oh, and the movie is over? " 29. The Conservatory, or "Making sweet music." 30. The Game Room, or "Wow, I never brought the Kings 'that' kind of toy!"